Over the past few months I have had the pleasure of introducing our Society to many new supporters and contributors many of whom thought that we only took care of cats and dogs.

Quite a few were surprised to learn that we had a small Horse Care Unit and Farmyard and regularly dealt with an interesting array of other animals such as Acapella an African Gray Parrot and Marie-Jane a Pot Belly pig surrendered to us by their owners.

Acapella is a real exhibitionist who loves being around people. His favorite hang-out is in clinic where he is within ear-shot of his attentive care giver who always makes the time to ensure that he has plenty of environmental enrichment, nutritious food, a clean cage, loads of treats and fresh water.

Marie-Jane has taken up residence in our Farmyard. She shares her space with a herd of gentle, mixed breed goats who were at first intrigued by this new arrival in their sanctuary but have since gone on to enjoy her company. Marie-Jane loves being brushed almost as much as eating and taking a mud-bath before her afternoon siestas. She has the friendliest face and a permanent smile and has become a firm favorite with our Farmyard volunteers and staff who adore her to bits.

There is no denying the cuteness of many exotic pets like Parrots but we would seriously caution against exotic pet ownership as these animals have very special needs and do not cope well in captivity.