Every bit counts, and we need your help to bring a positive change in the lives of so many animals.
LIKES are nice. SHARING is caring. COMMENTS get us noticed. DONATIONS help us to save lives.
Offer a full range of veterinary services to the underprivileged and disadvantaged communities of Cape Town.
Focus on education in the schools, and in our communities.
Sterilise every animal that comes through our doors, as well as running sterilisation campaigns.
Take in stray and unwanted pets, and rehome them.
Respond to calls regarding cases of abuse, general neglect of animals, as well as reported cases of dog fighting.
We also respond to reports from the City’s Traffic Department, SAPS and Metro Police, of injured or stray animals on our public roadways.

Many animals need our help because they have been so badly treated or abandoned. Some animals are surrendered to us by owners who can no longer take care of them. Others are seized, confiscated or impounded from unimaginably horrendous circumstances.
Our non-selective admissions policy means that no animal in need is ever turned away. Every animal admitted into our care is provided with veterinary treatment, food, water, exercise and a safe and comfortable shelter. That is our promise to you. Our area of operation is huge and the number of animals dependent on us seemingly infinite. But you can leave it to us by remembering the Animal Welfare Society of South Africa in your Will.
Your gift will give countless animals a second chance. An opportunity to experience genuine compassion and true love.
To find out more about leaving a gift in your Will please contact Allan Perrins.
Allan has been in the animal welfare profession for almost 18 years and held many senior leadership positions and will gladly help you to help them.
Call: 078-631-5126 or 021-692-2626
Email: allanperrins@awscape.org.za